Day 11

“‘It is written,’ He said to them, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers.’” - Matthew 21:13

Scripture Reading: Matthew 21:12-17

Jesus spoke up in defense of His Father’s honor, and on behalf of the Gentiles trying to worship Him.  Gentiles were confined to the outer courts of the temple, which was also the location of the marketplace.  It was a distracting atmosphere for anyone attempting to pray or worship there.  Jesus throws the tables and scatters the money changers in a dramatic display of indignation, defending the rights of the Gentile ‘outsiders’ against the power and greed of the Jewish leaders. Jesus reached out to the weak and vulnerable then and He continues to do so now. 

In our most vulnerable moments, we can rest in the assurance that we have a great protector and defender who will never leave us to struggle alone.

Thought for the Day: With Jesus as our Protector, we are safe.