Week 5: Empowered By Love
After David departs from Saul in 1 Samuel 26, he and his men join the Philistine army, which is marching against the Israelites. The Philistine commanders are afraid that David will turn on them in the midst of the battle, so they send him and his men away. Saul and three of his sons, including Jonathan, are killed in the ensuing battle.
Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 2:1-7
Right There
Who anoints David as king in this passage?
Think About It
Why wouldn’t everyone in Israel immediately embrace David as king?
Personal Reaction
Have you ever waited a really long time for something to happen, and then when it did, it failed to meet your expectations? What was that experience like?
Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 5:1-5
Right There
How much longer does it take before David becomes king over Israel?
Think About It
What would have been good about David’s slow transition to becoming king over all of Israel?
Personal Reaction
When have you experienced the benefit of a slow transition into a new position or phase of life?
Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 9
Right There
What does David do for Mephibosheth?
Think About It
Why does he do it?
Personal Reaction
What do you think David’s treatment of Mephibosheth says about his character?
Spiritual Practice
Consider the way that you give and what it says about who you believe God is:
When & where do you give of your time, talents, and resources?
How do you feel about giving your time, talents, and resources?
As Christians, how is our giving and serving different from that of other people who do good things?