Week 3: Protected By Love
After David defeats Goliath, he becomes close friends with Saul’s son, Jonathan. Scripture tells us that Jonathan became one in spirit with David and loved him as himself. (1 Samuel 18:1). It is no wonder that Jonathan is drawn to David, but it is a friendship that will cost him dearly.
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 19:1-10
Right There
What does Jonathan do for David in this passage?
Think About It
What could helping David cost Jonathan?
Personal Reaction
What does it look like to love a friend as yourself?
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 20:1-23
Right There
What covenant promises do Jonathan and David make to each other?
Think About It
How would you expect David to treat Jonathan’s family when he (David) becomes king?
Personal Reaction
What covenant relationships have you experienced in your life? How are they different from other relationships?
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 20:24-42
Right There
What does Saul say and do to his son, Jonathan, in this passage?
Think About It
According to Saul, what else will Jonathan’s decision to protect David cost him? (vs. 31)
Personal Reaction
When have you done something costly out of love for another person?
Spiritual Practice
Consider the way that you approach Christian community and what it says about who you believe God is:
Why do we need Christian community?
How do you feel about being involved in Christian community?
How are our relationships within Christian community different from our other friendships?
Why is Christian community such an important part of experiencing the protection of God’s love?