Week 1: Rooted In Love
God makes a covenant with Abraham, promising to make him into a great nation and bless the whole world through his line. The promise is passed down through Abraham’s descendants—from his son, Isaac, to Isaac’s son, Jacob.
Jacob becomes the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. But a severe famine drives him and all of his sons into the land of Egypt, where they ultimately become slaves.
After 450 years, God raises up Moses to deliver his people from slavery to Pharaoh. Moses leads the Israelites through the desert for forty years until his death, after which Joshua leads them into the Promised Land. The leadership of Joshua is followed by a series of judges, the last of which is the prophet Samuel.
Finally, in 1 Samuel 8, the Israelites ask God to annoint a king to rule over them.
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 8
Right There
Why do the Israelites ask for a king?
What does God tell the people a king will cost them?
Think About It
Why do you think a king seemed like a good idea to the Israelites?
What does God know about the downside of having a king?
Personal Reaction
Do we see any similar flaws in our leaders today?
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 9
Right There
Describe Saul’s physical appearance.
What is Saul doing when he meets Samuel?
Think About It
How do you think Saul feels when he hears Samuel’s words: “To whom is all the desire of Israel turned, if not to you and your whole family line?”
Personal Reaction
What do you think would be challenging about changing overnight, from an ordinary person into a king?
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 10
Right There
What process does Saul go through to become king?
Think About It
Why do you think Saul hides from Samuel (vs.22)?
Personal Reaction
When have you had to do something that you felt unprepared to do? What was that experience like for you?
Spiritual Practice
Consider the way that you pray and what it says about who you believe God is:
When & where do you pray?
Why do you pray & what things do you usually pray for?
How do you feel about praying?