Small Group Week 6

Opening Questions

  • What stood out most to you from the daily Scripture readings this week? Did you learn anything new? Did you have questions? Did you gain insight to share with the group?

  • Imagine if God had created you as a bird, what kind would you be?

    • Environment: Woodlands, Beach, Desert, Suburban, etc.

    • Behavior Patterns:

      • Migratory vs. Stationary

      • Flock vs. Solitary

      • Constant Motion vs. Perching/Waiting

Jesus As The Way

Consider Your Spiritual Journey:

  • Considering Jesus’s human faith journey, what experiences did Jesus have in each category:

    • Beginnings

    • Level Ground

    • Uphill Climbs

    • Mountaintops

    • Valleys

    • Vast & Barren Wilderness

  • Which of His experiences would you have found most difficult or painful?  Why?

  • How does meditating on the extent of Jesus’s love affect you?

Embracing Weakness

  • In which category are Satan’s lies wielded most powerfully against you?

    • Trusting in God’s ability to provide for your physical needs

    • Trusting in your identity as God’s beloved child

    • Trusting in the goodness of God’s plan and purpose for your life

  • What Scriptures are helpful to you in combatting these lies?

Next Best Step

How might God be inviting you toward Him this Holy Week?  How do you want to respond?  

What is the next best step, as far as you can see it?

 How can this group support you?  End your meeting in prayer for each other.