Small Group Week 5
Opening Questions
What stood out most to you from the daily Scripture readings this week? Did you learn anything new? Did you have questions? Did you gain insight to share with the group?
What experiences do you have with flying?
- Airplanes?
- Dreams?
- Hang-gliding, sky-diving?
Breaking Free
Consider Your Spiritual Journey:
Think about a time when you experienced a break-through on your faith journey. Consider how the following stages might apply to that experience:
Nose poking through first crack in the shell
Body freed from shell
Fledgling in the nest
First attempt at flight
Successful flying
Which stage was most/least difficult for you? Why?
What did you learn about yourself and God through the process?
God’s Shelter
How is God providing you with a protective nest at this point in your life?
How is God feeding you at this point in your life?
How is God warming you at this point in your life?
Next Best Step
What flying might God be preparing to invite you into at this point in your life? How do you want to respond?
What is the next best step, as far as you can see it?
How can this group support you? End your meeting in prayer for each other.