Small Group Week 4

Opening Questions

  • What stood out most to you from the daily Scripture readings this week? Did you learn anything new? Did you have questions? Did you gain insight to share with the group?

  • Imagine for a moment that you have committed to go skydiving today.  Which part of the process would be most difficult for you:

    • Safety Training (Hearing about or dreading everything that you will do before you actually do it)

    • Flying (Anticipation like the click, click, click of a rollercoaster)

    • Jumping (Leaving the relative safety of the plane)

    • Pulling the Cord (Proper timing)

    • Landing (All the buildup and excitement is over so quickly)

Tasting Freedom

Consider Your Spiritual Journey:

  • How would you answer these questions about the life you have built for yourself?

    • Who are you?

    • What work do you do?

    • Who have you chosen to spend your life with?

  • Can you identify with Humpty Dumpty’s feeling that you have too much to lose in the life you have built to take the risk of climbing?

  • How do you typically respond when your faith journey feels risky or costly?

Now And Not Yet

  • How did your salvation experience change you immediately?

  • How has your transformation been an on-going process?

Next Best Step

How might God be inviting you to heights or adventure as part of the transformation process in your life right now?  How do you want to respond?  

What is the next best step, as far as you can see it?

 How can this group support you?  End your meeting in prayer for each other.