Small Group Week 2

Opening Questions

  • What stood out most to you from the daily Scripture readings this week? Did you learn anything new? Did you have questions? Did you gain insight to share with the group?

  • Think of the biggest transitions you have gone through in your life:

    -       What were the catalysts for change?

    -       What did you have to leave behind in order to move forward?

    -       Looking back, what did you learn about yourself from the experience?

Releasing the Old

Consider Your Spiritual Journey:

  • How have you experienced gradual growth (Molting)?

  • How have you experienced moments of dramatic growth (Metamorphosis)?

  • What have these experiences of growth required you to give up?


  • With which reason for disobedience do you most struggle:

    • Delaying obedience

    • Second-guessing decisions

    • Using lack of preparation as an excuse

    • Caving to the pressure and influence of other people

  • Why is this a struggle for you?

  • What might overcoming this struggle require you to release?

Next Best Step

What might God be asking you to release at this point in your life? How do you want to respond?  

What is the next best step, as far as you can see it?

 How can this group support you?  End your meeting in prayer for each other.