Small Group Week 1

Opening Questions

  • What stood out most to you from the daily Scripture readings this week? Did you learn anything new? Did you have questions? Did you gain insight to share with the group?

  • What are the most cramped living conditions you have ever experienced?

    • What was the physical environment? 

    • What were the social or interpersonal conditions?

    • What other factors made the situation feel confining to you?

Invitation to a New Land

Consider Your Spiritual Journey:

  • Think about the different stages of your faith journey.  What experiences do you have that would fall into each of the following categories:

    • Beginnings

    • Level Ground

    • Uphill Climbs

    • Mountaintops

    • Valleys

    • Vast & Barren Wilderness

  • Which part of your journey has been most/least challenging for you?  Why?

  • How has each experience helped you to grow?

God’s Timing

  • When have you waited in faith on God’s plan and timing?  What was challenging about this experience? What were the results?

  • When have you taken matters into your own hands or gotten ahead of God’s timing? What was challenging about this experience? What were the results?

Next Best Step

What new land might God be inviting you into at this point in your life?  How do you want to respond?  

What is the next best step, as far as you can see it?

 How can this group support you?  End your meeting in prayer for each other.