A Good and Spacious Land

In a recent sermon, our pastor made a statement that caught my attention: 

 Heaven is both now and not yet.

It struck me that we have largely disregarded the ‘not yet’ portion of our faith, as if we somehow believe that becoming a follower of Jesus implies instantaneous perfection.  It’s obviously a ludicrous expectation, and yet there is strong evidence that we have somehow fallen for it.  

I think about the typical Sunday morning in my family.  The number of battles I have fought over my kids’ wardrobe choices or the arguments that have raged over various things during the car ride to church.  But when we arrive, everyone is expected to put on their game face.  Smiles plastered on and the “I’m great, how are you” ready on our lips.  It doesn’t matter what real life actually looks like, how much we’re struggling, or how exhausting the charade will be.  We have an image to project. It’s a very rare moment when we allow our masks to shift enough to give anyone a glimpse of the real and less-than-perfect self.

But like heaven, our transformation is both now and not yet.  Our lives are dramatically changed in the moment that we accept Jesus as our Savior.  We are irrevocably changed, but not into instant perfection.  

We still struggle with temptation, we still get things wrong, and we still have a shadow. 

But with Jesus there is no need to hide in shame.  He already knows us completely.  And He came for us anyway.  No matter who we are or what we have done, God doesn’t reject us.  Instead, He offers us the love and grace that will transform us over a lifetime.

Always we begin again.