Ruth Week 3


Scripture Reading: Ruth 2

Opening Question

What words or images do you associate with the word “Favor?”

Core Question


What challenges are Naomi and Ruth facing as they arrive in Bethlehem?

Core Question


How do Naomi and Ruth experience favor in this part of the story?  How do these experiences of favor relate to being filled?

Core Question


How do you think these experiences of favor begin to change Naomi’s attitude about life?

Core Question


In The End of Me, Kyle Idleman argues that emptiness is an opportunity to experience God’s favor:

What would the emotions be if we could perceive one small glimmering truth [about emptiness]?  We’re in position for the most wonderful thing that can happen in life—a close encounter with a loving heavenly Father who has in-depth, sweeping plans for blessing us in ways we never imagined.  When life takes away, God gives.  The soothing oil of his incredible love seeps into the aching cavity of a shattered life.  Then ‘You 2.0’ can begin.


Closing Question

How can the church help us to experience favor in our lives?  How have you experienced this?