Gathering Breakout
We’ve probably all heard some version of the story of the two men in a tree-cutting competition. One man hacked away non-stop during the entire length of the competition, noticing with grim satisfaction that his competition took frequent breaks. The first man was convinced that he had proven his superior strength and skill, only to find out that the other man had bested him in the competition.
The secret? Each time the other man rested, he sharpened his ax.
Reflection: What Is The Condition Of Your Axe?
Current Condition
What challenges are you facing unique to your life circumstances or current season of life?
What practices of rest or renewal do you have built into your life?
How does your body feel?
After everyone has had an opportunity to share, facilitator leads the group in a moment of release: “God, our good and loving Father, we come to you in this moment, offering ourselves just as we are and without judgment. You know our struggles. You know our pain. And You know our fatigue. We offer them all to You. We trust You to carry them for us. We ask that You help us to rest in Your love now.
Need For Sharpening
What are you most hoping to gain from this time of retreat: Clearer perspective, connection with community, rest, etc.?
What will you need to feel sharpened during this retreat: a nap, quiet, laughter, music, exercise, fresh air, food, a listening ear, etc.?
Group facilitator lifts up each of these needs in prayer, asking God to meet them in His good and perfect way during this retreat.