The Wisdom of Tenderness

What happens When God’s Fierce Mercy Transforms Our Lives

by Brennan Manning


Manning discusses the great tragedy that he has witnessed in Christianity as it is being offered in the modern American church. Church messaging, is often based more on imparting morals than sharing the Good News of God’s tenderness and compassion.  As a result, church members live with deep levels of fear, guilt, shame, and hopelessness.  Manning has witnessed this firsthand: “Throughout almost forty years of pastoral experience, I’ve observed disciples of Jesus badger, bully, and bludgeon themselves into earning God’s mercy.”

But this was never God’s intention.  We were meant to live with the security and confidence of beloved children.  Having been loved and forgiven despite our brokenness, we are able to see past the brokenness in others so that we can love and forgive them.  As recipients of God’s tenderness, we become people who love sacrificially.  And thus portray God to a watching world.   

In a compelling epilogue, Manning offers advice to the modern church in moving forward.

Author’s Website: The Wisdom of Tenderness - Book by Brennan Manning 

Favorite Quotes

“Forceful emphasis must be placed on the tenderness and mercy of God, who first loved us.  Instead of a light volley of divine love followed by the heavy artillery of rule-keeping.  Jesus’ love for the unlovely must pierce the heart of every Christian.”

“…the primary pastoral task is the quality of faith within the community…nothing else matters.  The greatest part of the time, energy, talent, and financial resources of each local church is to be invested in this enterprise.  Other ministries and projects will flourish as a direct result.”

“…fraternal love will be the sign par excellence that Christians have actually experienced the love of God.  Resting safe and secure in the tender compassion of the Lord, Christians will feel no need to pander to the approval and acceptance of others.

“Every disciple, no matter how mature, must have a mentor.  A Christian is always in the process of becoming one.”

“Your faithfulness will be measured by your willingness to go where there’s brokenness, loneliness, and human need.”

“Fierce loyalty to Jesus Christ and the witness of fierce mercy to sinners will restore credibility to the Christian claim.”

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