The Ninefold Path of Jesus

Hidden Wisdom of the Beatitudes

by Mark Scandrette


Scandrette explains how the Beatitudes provide us with a practical guide for living out the Christian faith. Although this ninefold path is not complicated, it is far from easy. This is a powerful book for those who struggle with the disconnect they see between their experience of the modern church and the teachings of Jesus. Scandrette argues that Christians have to learn to move beyond their first instincts—grasping, avoiding, judging, retaliating, etc.—to the higher and better way of love in the Kingdom of God.

Author’s Website

The Ninefold Path of Jesus: Hidden Wisdom of the Beatitudes - Mark Scandrette

Favorite Quotes

“The Beatitudes invite us to a new way of life, into a path of recovery. Instead of dividing the world into us and them, we can learn to embrace each other as family. Instead of resisting pain, we can learn to be resilient and join the cosmic struggle between good and evil. instead of living in fear, we can choose hope, courage, and radical love.”

The Way of Trust - “Jesus invites us into radical trust…speaking a radical yes! to life, no matter what may come. It’s an invitation to trust that the One who made us will bring us through.”

The Way of Lament -”If your heart breaks and you don’t take time to mourn, the pain only goes deeper.”

The Way of Humility - “You have inherent dignity and worth—value that is not dependent on your achievements or validation from others. What matters more than anything is the value you have in the eyes of the Creator.”

The Way of Justice - “We shape the world through our choices. What we do matters. So change begins with us. Each day brings us new opportunities to take action, to use our power for good. To live by doing to others what we would have them do for us. To love our neighbors as we love ourselves.”

The Way of Compassion - “"God treats us better than our actions deserve. To complete the circle we must want the same for the person who hurt us.”

The Way of Right Motive - “Jesus modeled wholeheartedness. He didn’t try to impress people or play to the crowd. He had nothing to protect or hide.”

The Way of Peacemaking - “The reality is that we are all sons and daughters of one divine parent, members of one human family. We belong to one another. There are no sides. Those who understand this naturally become peacemakers.”

The Way of Surrender - “When we are treated unjustly, we often transmit our pain to others. Evil perpetuates evil until someone dares to break the cycle.”

The Way of Radical Love - “Radical love is costly. It often involves suffering. It means doing hard things because they are right and good.”

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