A Quaker Book of Wisdom

Life Lessons in Simplicity, Service, and Common Sense

by Robert Lawrence Smith


There is a foundational Quaker belief that each person must learn to let their life speak. To find the truth within and use it as a guide for action that improves the lives of the people around them and the condition of the world as a whole. They seek to live a life of simplicity, integrity, and nonviolence in the midst of whatever social, economic, or political arena they find themselves, believing that all the world is one big family and we are all to be our brother’s keeper.

Author’s Website

A Quaker Book of Wisdom - Book by Robert Lawrence Smith

Favorite Quotes

“It is my ever-growing conviction that the compassionate Quaker message badly needs to be heard in today’s complex, materialistic, often unjust, and discriminatory society.”

“Heart and hand are the two inseparable agents of faith and work that reflect the two sides of Quakerism: its mysticism (reaching within for truth) and its activism (reaching out to others).”

“History teaches us that darkness and death take different forms in every generation, but the challenge of gathering the forces of light and love to oppose them remains the same.”

“We need faith to believe that by loving our enemy we can eventually transform him into an ally; that even when nonviolence fails to achieve peace, it can succeed in curing hate.”

“What we must bring to the task of making our lives speak is an unswerving belief in the sacredness and dignity of ordinary life and of every person.”

“It requires strong and steady resolve to live out the gospel in the middle of an American dream that identifies success as moving up the ladder, getting the bigger house, purchasing the nicer car, buying the better clothes, eating the finer food, and acquiring more things.”


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Invitation to Solitude and Silence