Invitation to Retreat

The Gift and Necessity of Time Away with God

by Ruth Haley Barton


Here, Barton describes the purpose and process of spiritual retreat. She teaches us how to recognize the signs that our soul is in need of rest and how to purposefully ‘come away’ for a time of silence and solitude in God’s presence. She describes the spiritual benefits that times of retreat bring to our lives—freedom from the world’s constant demands, space for discernment and opportunity to reorient our lives around God’s purpose and priority for our life. Finally, she guides us in returning to normal life after experiencing time apart.

Author’s Website

Invitation to Retreat- Ruth Haley Barton

Favorite Quotes

“…it is that constant trying so hard on so many fronts all the time that often leaves me on the brink of exhaustion.”

“By relinquishing normal patterns of human striving and hard work, we can become aware of the vacuum we keep trying to fill by doing stuff and achieving things.”

“We need something more than human wisdom in order to choose well, and we need quiet in order to listen for this wisdom.”

“In the stillness of retreat, I am able to see more clearly how I am being pushed and pulled by other people’s expectations, by my own inner compulsions, and by the basic necessities of life in our culture, and I realize how far I’ve drifted from living my heart’s truest desire.”

“… we are called to take responsibility for the stewarding of our own lives in response to the desire God has placed within us.”

"We need to remember also that most of us return from retreat feeling open and vulnerable, and highly sensitive to the too-muchness of life with others—too much noise, too much activity, too many demands.”


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