Call to Commitment

The Story of the Church of the Saviour, Washington, D.C.

by Elizabeth O’Connor


This book encourages Christians to embrace new expressions of church in the forgotten places of our world. Much of the writing is devoted to examples of new forms of church that were established by mission groups from Church of the Saviour as well as the vows of membership required for participation in each. It is a testimony to the power and potential of the Christian faith. And it is a reminder that such faith is by nature communal and costly. How could it be otherwise, when the One we follow showed us this Way?

Author’s Website

Call to Commitment - Book by Elizabeth O'Connor

Favorite Quotes

“The old established church presents numerous difficulties because it is encrusted with tradition and weighted down with the burden of nominal membership.” 

“No dream was too big to be considered. The members followed the Great Adventurer. They believed they were in on the most important thing in life, and to others they easily transmitted their wonder.”

“The ordination of a lay person to a ministry in the world is much more than recognition of significant activity. It means that the person knows himself to be grasped by God for a task that only he can do and which the church must have done.”

The Church of the Saviour membership pledge:

“We covenant with Christ and one another to: 

Meet God daily in a set time of prayer

Let God confront us daily through the Scriptures

Grow in love for the brotherhood and all people, remembering the command, ‘Love one another as I have loved you’

Worship weekly—normally with our church

Be a vital contributing member of one of the groups

Give proportionately, beginning at a tithe of our incomes

Confess and ask the help of our fellowship should we fail in these expressions of devotion.”


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