Growth Mindset

Week 4

Living Organically

Natural growth requires both an acceptance of where we are and a willingness to live forward from that place one step at a time. We drink milk before we eat solid foods, applesauce before apple slices. We learn to walk before we can run.

And any real step of progress requires us to embrace the possibility of failure. Our mistakes become opportunities for growth.

In the Gospels, we see the disciples consistently messing things up. We see Jesus patiently encouraging them to learn from their mistakes and grow through their failures.

Food for Thought:

Quote from Bringing Heaven to Earth by Storment and Ross

“Failure can loom so large that Christians choose to avoid all risks. Their default setting will be to play it safe no matter what. This has a profound and stifling impact on discipleship, evangelism, loving neighbors, creating community, fostering environments for authenticity, and living out the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. The fear of failure causes people to hold back and to avoid trying anything they are not certain they can do perfectly.”

Quote from No Man is An Island by Thomas Merton

“A man who fails well is greater than one who succeeds badly.”

Scripture Reading: Mark 8:27-9:13

  • Right There: 

    What do we see Jesus doing and hear Him saying in these passages?

  • Think About It:

    While we might tend to read these passages as condemnation, how might they be opportunities for teaching or growth instead?

  • Personal Reaction: 

    What is my response to how this scripture portrays God?  Am I surprised, relieved, encouraged, frustrated, etc.?  Why?

Small Group Reading: Mark 9:14-29