Intimate Environment

Week 1

Living Organically

We live in a world increasingly dominated by standardization and mass production. The natural, organic way of life is giving way to the artificial. But we would be wise to consider the cost.

Our food supply is powerful example. Like many other aspects of our modern world, the small family farm has largely been replaced by the corporation. These large-scale farming operations utilize artificial conditions and standardized procedures to increase production and lower costs. However, there are important questions being raised about the hidden costs associated with the new system. What are the long-term health effects of applying pesticides and herbicides to our foods and injecting antibiotics and growth hormones into the animals that we eat? What is the social cost of becoming detached from our food source? What is the political cost of entrusting enormous amounts of power to agribusiness?

As Christians, we live in the midst of a corrupting culture. We are to be in the world but not of the world. Yet, there is some evidence that culture is creeping into our churches. There is a growing tendency to evaluate the effectiveness of a church based on attendance and financial giving, rather than spiritual growth or health.

As Jesus’s followers, we look to Him for guidance and for hope.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 4:18-25; Matthew 8:18-22

  • Right There: 

    What do we see Jesus doing and hear Him saying in these passages?

  • Think About It:

    What do these scriptures teach us about the ways of God?

  • Personal Reaction: 

    What is my response to how these scriptures portray God?  Am I surprised, relieved, encouraged, frustrated, etc.?  Why?

Small Group Reading: John 13:1-17