Socratic Seminar #3

The Blindness of Sin

Scripture Reading: John 9

Opening Question:

What word or phrase stands out to you the most?

Core Question 1:

What does this Scripture teach us about Jesus? What does it teach us about ourselves?

Core Question 2:

What evidence of blindness do we see in this Scripture? How does blindness lead to inhumane treatment?

Core Question 3:

Considering the following quote from Eugene Peterson’s Leap Over A Wall, what is the link between spiritual blindness and sin?

“The basic, fundamental condition of our humanity is God. We’re created by God. We’re redeemed by God. We’re blessed by God. We’re provided for by God. We’re loved by God. Sin is the denial or ignorance or avoidance of that basic condition.”

Concluding Thought:

This week consider ways in which you might be blind to the reality of the world.