
“Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness…Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 150:1-2)

The Chapel of the Transfiguration seems like an ideal location to meditate on the words of this Psalm. A window behind the altar offers visitors a view of the Tetons. And, although we were unable to arrange our schedule in order to attend a Sunday service, I imagine people cannot help but praise God for His acts of power and surpassing greatness with such dramatic evidence of it in front of their eyes.

Humans have built so many cathedrals, with their grand arches and stained glass windows. And yet, we find something of far greater grandeur here. In a small log-cabin-style building, filled with simple wooden benches that seat a max of sixty-five people.

Both places of worship are beautiful, in their own ways. The cathedral displays the creative work of a humanity empowered by God. Yet, the Tetons inspire even greater awe, of something far beyond any human ingenuity.


What awe-inspiring experiences of God have you had in your life? Offer praise to God for these experiences.


“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” (Psalm 19:1)

John really wanted to see the night sky in a designated Dark Sky Park. Unfortunately, the nights we spent in these areas were all overcast. The closest he got to his wish was the night that we spent at the lodge in the Tetons. Here, the skies were clear, but the park wasn’t dark enough to see the Milky Way.

But the thing is, even when we can’t see the stars, they’re still there. Telling their own story of an impossible-to-conceive-of-God. The universe continuing to expand as new galaxies form at the edges of a Creation that was spoken into existence long ago. The Word that continues to create even today.


Pay attention to how you hear the voice of God in the world around you today, and be thankful.


Yellowstone National Park


Rocky Mountain National Park