Read Luke 2:22-35

  • What happens to Jesus in this passage?

  • What do you think Mary was thinking and feeling in response to what happened?

    Spiritual Practice: “Ponder in your heart” something God might be moving you to do in your life right now (Like Simeon)


Read Luke 2:36-40

  • What happens to Jesus in this passage?

  • What do you think Mary was thinking and feeling in response to what happened?

    Spiritual Practice: “Ponder in your heart” what God might be doing through a loss you have experienced in your life (Like Anna)


Read Matthew 2:1-12

  • What happens to Jesus in this passage?

  • What do you think Mary was thinking and feeling in response to what happened?

    Spiritual Practice: “Ponder in your heart” what God might be doing through a sign you have noticed (Like the Wisemen)

Day 4

Read Matthew 2:13-23

  • What happens to Jesus in this passage?

  • What do you think Mary was thinking and feeling in response to what happened?

    Spiritual Practice: “Ponder in your heart” what God might be doing through a dream He has given you (Like Joseph)

Day 5

Read Luke 2:41-52

  • What happens to Jesus in this passage?

  • What do you think Mary was thinking and feeling in response to what happened?

    Spiritual Practice: “Ponder in your heart” what work God might want you doing for Him (Like Jesus)

Day 6

Review the week

  • Do you have any lingering questions?

  • What was your experience with ‘pondering in your heart’ (contemplation)? Was there one day that stood out the most to you? Why?