Devo #4

“Gifts of the Mother Tree”

Nothing lives forever.  Even the strongest of trees will eventually fall.  But its life-giving potential is never lost.  In death, a tree becomes a nurse log, a rich nutrient-base for the seedlings that will grow on and around its decomposing trunk.

Like the Mother Tree, we all have the opportunity to leave a legacy to future generations.

The greatest gift I ever received from my grandmother, came more than five years after her death.  I had been through a difficult experience, that left me feeling fearful and drained.  One day, I was being counseled by an older, wiser woman—a Mother Tree in her own right—when suddenly I felt myself longing to be back at Mamma Weezie’s house.  I could picture it as if I was there: It was evening.  We were watching television in the living room.  I was lying on the couch, and Mamma and Pappy were sitting in their Lazy-Boy recliners.

There was nothing special happening, and yet suddenly the tears start to flow.  I felt a deep longing for the rest I used to experience with Mamma, a wonderful Mother Tree with whom I felt safe and loved.

Mamma Weezie was someone with whom I could be myself.  I can't bring to mind a single time when she made a big deal over something I either did or failed to do.  With her, I didn’t feel any pressure to achieve or perform, because I never felt like my worth was dependent on my actions. 

The memory of her that day was a beautiful gift.  It helped me to hear God’s invitation: “Come to me, weary one.  I want to love you.  I want to keep you safe.  You don’t need to perform, and I don’t expect you to be perfect.  Regardless of anything you will ever do or fail to do, you will always belong to Me.”

Meditation: Take a few moments to think about God inviting you into an experience of His love and protection.  Throughout the day, whenever you feel tired or anxious or inadequate, simply turn your eyes toward Him.  And be reminded that He is looking at you with love.