Devo #1

“Finding the Mother Tree”

Suzanne Simard’s Finding the Mother Tree, is an interesting mixture of scientific research and autobiographical account. Early on in her career with the Canadian Forestry Service, Simard found herself appalled by the damage that clear-cutting inflicted on the forest.  Soon, Simard found her passion in research, done on behalf of the trees.  Her experiments have yielded interesting results—the forest is driven more by laws of cooperation and common good than cut-throat competition.  Tree root systems are linked through a vast network of underground fungi, through which trees communicate and pass resources.

This is especially true of Simard’s Mother Trees—giant matriarchs of the forest that seed, nourish, and protect the younger trees growing around them.  Because of her greater access to sunlight, water, and nutrients, the Mother Tree is able to conduct photosynthesis at exceedingly higher rates than the seedlings growing in her shadow.  Alerted to their vulnerability through the underground fungal network, the Mother Tree responds to the seedlings’ needs by funneling water and nutrients their direction.

Ideally, we all grow at the side of a Mother Tree.  Someone who shelters us from our harsh and demanding surroundings, who nurtures our growth, and who guides us through the difficulties we face in life.

Meditation: Consider the people who have been “Mother Trees” in your life.  How have they sheltered you or provided for your needs?

Although we almost always refer to God as Father, Scripture provides us with glimpses of His mothering side.  Psalm 91:4 says, “He will cover you with His feathers; under His wings you will find refuge…”.  Can you think of times when you have experienced this kind of mothering from God?