Scenic Overlooks

“Then Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.’ And her daughter was healed at that moment.” – Matthew 15:28

Scripture Reading: Matthew 15:21-28

It seems like Jesus is impressed with the woman’s response, which requires a surprising combination of humility and courage. It takes humility not to argue with being correlated to a dog; it takes courage to risk further rejection.

The woman is a beautiful example of how to approach God, relying on His goodness rather than our own worthiness. And in the midst of continual conflict with the Pharisees and their skepticism, this interaction had to be encouraging for Jesus. Her faith was beautiful.

It reminds me of a scenic overlook on a long hike. Turning off of the main trail might add a little to the overall mileage, but the view is worth it and the pause is restful.

Prayer: Lord, help us to live with the faith of the Syrophoenician woman, believing firmly in Your love and goodness toward us. Amen.

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