
“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.” - Mark 10:52

Scripture Reading: Mark 10:46-52

Jesus encountered many people along the road to resurrection.  And He never seemed to be too busy or too distracted for any of them.  Even in Mark 10:46-52, just prior to His Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem, we see Jesus pausing on the road for Bartimaeus, a blind beggar who is sitting by the roadside calling out, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”  

Shushed by the crowd, Bartimaeus simply yelled louder.  I find myself wondering if he was a naturally forceful person, or if this was an act of desperation.  He seemed to be making a public nuisance of himself, which would cost him both pride and the good will of those whose charity he relied on for survival.  Yet, Bartimaeus took the risk.  And it led to his healing.

I hear Jesus’s words to Bartimaeus in verse 51, “What do you want me to do for you?”  I realize that my response begins like Bartimaeus’s, “I want to see…”, but it ends with an additional “…how much You love me.”  And I wonder, am I willing to plead for that experience of healing with the tenacity of Bartimaeus?  And, like Bartimaeus, will the experience of His perfect love lead me to follow Jesus down the road to Jerusalem?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, grant us the tenacity to call louder for You with each passing moment.  Even if the crowds shush us.  Even if it costs us our image, our pride, and our security.  Help us to follow You on the journey.  Amen.

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