Leader’s Guide


Group studies on Willowing Well are designed to promote an open discussion among group members. Based on the Socratic Seminar, group meetings revolve around a series of thought-provoking questions, designed to get at a deeper understanding of Scripture and to promote the sharing of life and faith among group members.

Study Format

Opening Question: This is a ‘what comes to mind for you’ type of question, with no right or wrong response. It is designed to be easily answered by everyone in a round-robin format. Each person should be encouraged to share, even if someone’s answer duplicates a previous response. The goal of the opening question is simply to get everyone comfortable speaking in the group.

Core Questions: These are a series of questions that delve progressively deeper into the passage or topic being studied. Participants are encouraged to answer freely, sharing their ideas as they feel led.

Concluding Question: This question is designed to draw the discussion to a close. You can consider it a success if participants seem to leave with more questions than answers.

Note For Leaders

As the leader, your job is to guide a constructive conversation, welcome different points of view, and ensure that all voices are heard.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • People need time to think — Embrace the awkward pause

  • Learning comes from the exchange of ideas — Try not to allow one person to dominate the discussion.

  • A good question is more effective than a good answer — Rephrase or elaborate on the question rather than simply giving the answer.

Additional information about Socratic Seminars can be found at:



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