Lenten Darkness
Week 2
Last Meal
Scripture Reading: Luke 22:7-23
Opening Question
What word or phrase stood out most to you in this scripture passage?
Core Question
What is the setting (time & place) of this passage?
Core Question
What are the relational dynamics of this moment (Interactions, emotions, etc.)?
Core Question
Why do you think Jesus would choose to spend some of the final hours of His life eating this meal with His disciples?
Core Question
Consider Timothy Keller’s description of the Last Supper in Jesus the King:
The Passover is a family meal. Then why was Jesus pulling his disciples out of their families and organizing a Passover meal with them? Because he was creating an altogether new family. When you have been raised with brothers and sisters, you share a powerful bond. You have been through everything with them; you have more common experiences with them than with anyone else.”
What was the importance of the disciples sharing this meal together with Jesus?
Closing Question
Why do we take Communion in the church today? What is the deeper meaning of what we are doing?