Week #4

Small Group Discussion

Zechariah’s Song

After witnessing God’s miraculous presence and power among them, Zechariah breaks for in praise. He prophesies the coming of the Messiah and His kingdom of Light.

Scripture Reading for Discussion: Luke 1:67-80

Opening Question:

What part of Zechariah’s prophecy stands out most to you?

Core Question 1:

How is John uniquely called to praise, love, and serve God? How will he need to be raised in order to fulfill his calling?

Core Question 2:

What sacrifices will Zechariah and Elizabeth have to make in order to partner with God in the work of raising John?

Core Question 3:

How do you think Zechariah and Elizabeth responded to the invitation to raise their son God’s way? How do you know?

Core Question 4:

According to David Benner in Desiring God:


How ?

Concluding Question:

What is God revealing to you about Himself and His plan for your life?