Joseph and Mary

Luke 1:26-35 & Matthew 2:18-25

Discussion Questions:

1.     What unexpected message comes to Mary & Joseph?

2.     How does each person respond?

3.     Prior to his dream, what had Joseph decided to do about Mary?

4.     After his dream, what impact do you think Joseph’s actions have on Mary?

5.     How do you think this moment impacts their relationship?


Mary gets a lot of praise and attention for her humble response to the angel’s message, “I am the Lord’s servant.  May it be done to me according to your word.”  And she should.  It is a courageous decision.  By agreeing to this pregnancy, she risks ostracism and possible death.  


But Joseph’s response is no less amazing.  In agreeing to take Mary as his wife, Joseph provides a covering for her shame.  He sacrifices his own reputation in order to protect hers. 


It is as unexpected and counter-cultural then as it is now.

  1. What part of your reputation is most important to you: your productivity, generosity, status, professional reputation, ability to parent, or something else?  Why?

  2. When have you hidden parts of who you are in order to maintain your reputation?

  3. What effect has this inauthenticity had on you?

Look for opportunities this Advent to defend the reputation of others with the selflessness of Joseph


Zechariah & Elizabeth

