Week 5: Lifestyle Changes (Diet)
Read Malachi 1:1-5
In what format is this book written?
What is shocking about the statements God is making in this passage?
Here God is referring back to the split between Jacob, who becomes the father of the nation of Israel, and his brother Esau, who becomes the father of the nation of Edom. Israel had the privilege of being the chosen people through whom God will save the world. Now that privilege has passed to us as Christians. God’s words in verse 2 are now directed toward us, “I have loved you.” How loveable do you feel right now?
Read Malachi 1:6-13
What accusation does God make against the priests?
According to God, why are the priests’ actions so terrible?
In verse 14, God talks about those who bring blemished sacrifices to God. In what way, if any, do you find yourself offering less than your best to God?
Read Malachi 2:1-6
In verse 4, why does God say He is sending this warning?
A covenant is an agreement between multiple parties. Based on this scripture, what was God’s part in the covenant? What was Levi’s part?
In verse 3, the word for what will be smeared onto the priests’ faces relates to intestines and their contents (Leviticus 16:27). How does this translation impact your reaction to this scripture?
Day 4
Read Malachi 2:7-9
How does God say His priests should behave?
What do you think it means when it says the priests have ‘shown partiality in matters of the law?’
Where do you find yourself showing partiality to some people over others?
Day 5
Read Malachi 2:10-12
What sin is described in this passage?
Why do you think God demands such a harsh punishment for the man who commits this sin?
An idol is anything that competes with God’s place in our lives. What are one or two things that threaten to replace God on the throne of your heart?
Read Malachi 2:13-17
What is God upset about in this scripture?
What is God’s intention for marriage according to this scripture?
In verse 17 it appears that because God hasn’t yet acted against their sin, His people believe that He approves of their behavior. We live in a time of great injustice, but the Bible is clear that God established his people to be a just society. What is something you can do to promote justice in your community?
Review The Week
What stands out the most to you? Why?
What do you most need from God right now?
Briefly summarize your prayers from this week.