Week 3: Making An Accurate Diagnosis
Read 1 Kings 17:1-6
What message did Elijah give to King Ahab, and how do you think Ahab responds?
How does God take care of Elijah while he is hiding?
God provides for Elijah’s needs in an unusual way. Have you ever experienced God’s provision in an unexpected way?
Read I Kings 17:7-16
When Elijah asks the widow for a piece of bread, how much food does she have?
How do Elijah’s instructions require the widow to trust?
A similar account from the book of Exodus shows manna appearing on the ground every morning (except the Sabbath) for forty years as the Israelites wander in the desert. In both cases, God provided what was needed. Although it wasn’t fancy, the needs were met. When you worry about not having enough, what things are you most concerned about? Are you more concerned with your needs or your wants?
Read I Kings 17:17-24
What tragic event occurs, and how does Elijah react?
What is your reaction to the widow’s response to her son’s healing, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth’?
When have you been tempted to explain away a miracle as coincidence or forgotten about a miraculous experience as time passed?
Day 4
Read 2 Kings 18:1-15
What does King Ahab send Obadiah to do?
Obadiah finds what he is looking for, but in an unexpected way. Where does he find it?
God’s unexpected method provides more abundantly than King Ahab and Obadiah could have ever hoped. When have you experienced God providing for you in a way that exceeds your expectations?
Day 5
Read 2 Kings 18:16-40
What accusation does Elijah make against King Ahab and the people?
What is Elijah’s solution to the people’s problem?
It says that Baal, the foreign god, doesn’t respond to the cries of his prophets. Can you relate to a time when you sought comfort or security from something or someone that couldn’t provide it?
Read 2 Kings 18:41-46
Summarize the events of Elijah’s past 24 hours.
What do you think Elijah’s physical and emotional state is by the time he sends King Ahab away to eat and drink?
In verse 46, it says that the power of God came over Elijah and he ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot back to Jezreel. When have you experienced God’s supernatural power? It could be something you have personally experienced or something you’ve witnessed in someone else’s life.
Review The Week
What stands out the most to you? Why?
What do you most need from God right now?
Briefly summarize your prayers from this week.