Week 6: Lifestyle Changes (Exercise)
Opening Question
What part(s) of your life do you give your best?
Family, Friendships, Career, Health, Something else?
What proof can you give from your life to back this up?
Watch the Video Below
Discussion Questions
How do Sabbath, worship, and offering help us to remember God’s provision for our lives
Why do you think God specifically includes animals, servants, and foreigners in the Sabbath?
How do you think this commandment translates into modern times? (What does it look like to rest on the 7thday? Who are the animals, servants, and foreigners that we should be extending the Sabbath to?)
How do you relate to the grocery bag illustration?
When have you ‘helped’ God carry a grocery bag?
How did the experience draw you closer to God?
Did you ever decide to carry it by yourself or carry it longer that you were supposed to carry it? How did that turn out?
Where are you in your relationship with God?
What practices do you have in place to nurture your relationship with God?
What things in your life need to be removed to make more room for God?
What is one step you could take toward this and how can our group be supportive of you?