Week 4: Understanding the Underlying Issues

Opening Question

In what area of your life do you feel most insecure?  In other words, in what part of your life do you feel that you least measure up?  In what part of your life do you find yourself constantly striving or comparing yourself to others?  

Watch the Video Below

Discussion Questions

  • In The End of Me, Kyle Idleman says there’s a difference between a jar that is full and a jar that is filled.  Which one best describes you right now?

  • Jesus loves to fill things, but there has to be room.  How could you make more room for Jesus in your life right now?

  • How much is enough?  When will you feel as if you have enough in your life?  Be specific.  (What life or career goal do you need to reach?  What dollar amount do you need in your savings?  What car or home do you need to own?)

  • If we do not accept our salvation as God’s grace freely given and undeserved, we face the same difficult question.  How much is enough?  How do we know when we have given enough money, time, talent, or service to please God?    

Diagnostic Testing

What are the spending and scheduling priorities in your life?  Sit down with your checkbook, credit card statements, and calendar.  Ask yourself the following questions:

-       What are our family’s top 3-5 priorities for this stage of our life journey?

-       What are our family’s top 3-5 expense categories and recurring calendar events?

-       How well do our stated family priorities match the ways that we see ourselves spending time and money?

-       What, if anything would we like to change, about the way that we have been spending our time and money?

-       What is something concrete that you could put in place to help yourselves.  (For example: create a budget and commit to keep it for one month, officially schedule a weekly day of Sabbath rest onto your calendar for a month, etc.