Week 1: Recognizing Our Need For Healing

Opening Question

Think about the worst sickness you have ever experienced, either yourself or walking alongside someone else.  Share as you feel comfortable about the experience (Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, etc.)

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Discussion Questions

  • With which person do you best identify, the crippled woman, the man with swelling, or the Pharisees.  Why?

  • In your spiritual life, do you identify more with a slow process of growth or a miraculous story of healing and restoration?

  • How have you witnessed or experienced sin as a gradual process?

  • Look at the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20.  Which of the commandments do you find most difficult to follow?

  • In which category would you place each commandment: commands against immorality, commands against idolatry, or commands against injustice

  • Which category do you feel is the biggest issue facing modern society: idolatry, injustice, or immorality?  Why?