Week 9: Jesus Mends Brokenness
Related Scriptures
Matthew 9:1-8 & Mark 2:1-12 & Luke 5:17-26 — John heals a paralyzed man
John 5:1-15 — John heals a lame man by the pool
Matthew 12:9-14 & Mark 3:1-6 & Luke 6:6-11 — Jesus heals a man’s hand
Luke 22:49-51 — Jesus heals a man’s ear
What additional information do you learn about Jesus’s healings in these passages?
Prayer & Meditation
“…when you have nowhere else to turn except to God, and you turn to him, your faith of desperation will meet the fullness of God, and you will taste the life without lack as you discover the depths of the faith of sufficiency.”
— Dallas Willard, Life Without Lack
What is your reaction to Willard’s statement?
What would it look like for someone to live with the faith of sufficiency?
Why is growing into a faith of sufficiency a process? Where do you see yourself in that process?