Week 7: Jesus Heals

Alternative Gospel Accounts

Matthew 9:20-22

Mark 5:25-34

What new or different information do you learn in each gospel account?

Related Scriptures

John 4:46-54 — Jesus heals an official's son

Luke 14:1-6 — Jesus heals a man with edema

Luke 17:11-19 — Jesus heals 10 men with leprosy

What additional information do you learn about Jesus’s healing in these passages?

Prayer & Meditation

“You are not meant to live in a constant state of fatigue.  Tiredness is a spiritual problem, not because it is a sin, but because being tired creates difficulties for your spiritual life, robbing you of the energy needed to pursue God.” 

— Dallas Willard, Life Without Lack

  • What is your reaction to Willard’s statement?

  • What tiredness or fatigue are you experiencing in your life?

  • What, if anything, could you do about it? What help will you need?