Week 6: Jesus Casts Out Demons

Other Gospel Accounts

Matthew 8:28-34

Mark 5:1-20

What new or different information do you learn in each gospel account?

Related Scriptures

Matthew 12:43-45 — Jesus teaches about impure spirits

Matthew 17:14-21 & Mark 9:14-29 & Luke 9:37-43 — Jesus casts a demon out of a boy

What additional information do you learn about freedom in these passages?

Prayer & Meditation

“You simply can’t live the freedom way of Jesus and get sucked into the overconsumption that is normal in our society.  The two are mutually exclusive.  You have to pick.”

— John Mark Comer, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

  • What is your reaction to Comer’s statement?

  • What do you think spiritual freedom looks like?

  • How does your level of consumption relate to your level of freedom?

  • What things need to change in your life to lean into spiritual freedom?