Week 3: Jesus Calls Disciples

Other Gospel Accounts

Matthew 4:18-22

Mark 1:16-20

What new or different information do you learn in each gospel account?

Related Scriptures

Matthew 9:9-13 & Mark 2:13-17 & Luke 5:27-32 — Jesus calls Matthew

Mark 3:13-19 & Luke 6:12-16 — Jesus chooses the twelve disciples

Luke 8:1-3 — Women follow Jesus

Matthew 10:1-16 & Mark 6:7-13 & Luke 9:1-6 — Jesus sends out the twelve

What additional information do you learn about Jesus’s disciples in these passages?

Prayer & Meditation

“Do you ever catch yourself with the sneaking suspicion that you’ll wake up on your deathbed with this nagging sense that somehow, in all the hurry and busyness and frenetic activity, you missed the most important things?”

— John Mark Comer, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

  • What is your reaction to Comer’s statement?

  • What parts of your life feel like they are in tune with God’s will?

  • When have you experienced a longing for something more?

  • What might it cost you to put out into deeper waters?