Week 2: Jesus’s Temptation

Other Gospel Accounts

Matthew 4:1-11

Mark 1:12-13

What new or different information do you learn in each gospel account?

Related Scriptures

Matthew 16:21-28 & Mark 8:31-38 - Peter rebukes Jesus

Matthew 26:36-46 & Mark 14:32-42 & Luke 22:39-46 - Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

What temptations did Jesus face in these scriptures?

Prayer & Meditation

“Satan uses not only our desires to deceive us but also our fears. Fear that we will not get what we desire can provide the motivation for actions that cause so many of our problems…we must, by the grace of God, deal with these fears—or we will be in bondage to Satan. We will be bound both in terms of fear and the temptation to meet our needs in a way that is not right before God, which reveals our lack of faith in him and lack of trust in his all-sufficient care and strength.”

— Dallas Willard, Life Without Lack

  • What is your reaction to Willard’s statement?

  • What things do you most desire? What things do you most fear?

  • How are our desires and fears related?

  • How can our desires and fears lead us into temptation?