Week 15: Jesus as Love
Alternative Gospel Accounts
Matthew 26:14-35
Mark 14:12-31
John 13:18-38
What new or different information do you learn in each gospel account?
Related Scriptures
John 17 — Jesus prays for His disciples
What additional information do you learn about love in this passage?
Prayer & Meditation
“People exist to love as Jesus loved. Indeed, the aim of God in human history is the creation of an all-inclusive community of loving persons with himself at the center of that community—as its prime sustainer and most glorious inhabitant. In Jesus’ life and death on behalf of all human beings, we behold God’s estimate of our worth and the fervency of his desire to create that glorious community. We are made for love, and God was willing to send his own Son to die that he might secure it for us.”
—Dallas Willard, Life Without Lack
What is your reaction to Willard’s statement?
What do we learn about love from Willard’s statement?
How does God’s love empower you to live?