Week 14: Jesus as Servant

Other Gospel Accounts

Matthew 21:12-27

Mark 11:12-33

What new or different information do you learn in each gospel account?

Related Scriptures

John 7:1-44 — Jesus teaches in the temple

Matthew 20:20-28 & Mark 10:35-45 — Jesus teaches about servanthood

What additional information do you learn about the way that Jesus used words in these passages?

Prayer & Meditation

“[We] have the opportunity to be everything God intended us to be in relationship to him and to those around us. We have the potential to create something incredibly precious and good, and God is going to bring it to pass. If we miss our chance to participate with him, we miss our chance, but he is not going to be defeated in this. He is going to create a community of loving, creative, intelligent, loyal, faithful, and powerful human beings, and they are going to rule the earth. It is going to come to pass.”

— Dallas Willard, Life Without Lack

  • What is your reaction to Willard’s statement?

  • What is something God is doing that you have a chance to participate in?

  • What could your participation cost you? What could the world gain?

  • How do you feel about missing your opportunity to be involved with something God is doing in the world?