Week 10: Jesus Lifts Blindness

Other Gospel Accounts

Matthew 20:29-34

Mark 10:46-52

What new or different information do you learn in each gospel account?

Related Scriptures

Matthew 9:27-34 — Jesus heals the blind and mute

Mark 8:22-26 — Jesus heals a blind man

John 9:1-12 — Jesus heals the man born blind

John 9:35-41 — Jesus teaches about spiritual blindness

What additional information do you learn about blindness in these passages?

Prayer & Meditation

“…this is a first-century idiom that’s lost on our modern ears.  In Jesus’ day, if people said you had a ‘healthy’ eye, it had a double meaning.  It meant that (1) you were focused and living with a high degree of intentionality in life, and (2) you were generous to the poor.  When you looked at the world, you saw those in need and did your best to help out.  An ‘unhealthy’ eye (or as the King James Version has it, and ‘evil’ eye) was the exact opposite.  When you looked out on the world, you were distracted by all that glitters and lost your focus on what really matters.  In turn, you closed your fist to the poor.”

John Mark Comer, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

  • What is your reaction to Comer’s statement?

  • How healthy is your eye, according to Comer’s description?

  • Why is Christian community so important for spiritual vision?