Week #14

Jesus as Servant

Scripture Reading: Luke 19:45-20:8

Opening Question:

What part of this passage stands out most to you?

Core Question 1:

What does Jesus teach His disciples in this passage?

Core Question 2:

How are Jesus’s actions contradicting peoples’ attitudes and expectations in this passage?

Core Question 3:

What does Mark Buchanan, author of Your God Is Too Small, believe about how we should use our words to serve others? Do you agree?

In general, it’s best to speak when tempted for selfish reasons to be silent, and it’s best to be silent when tempted for selfish reasons to speak.  That’s the holy habit.  When you are tempted to justify, explain, excuse, exalt, gossip, or scold—it’s a good signal to button up.  And when you are tempted to just lay low, let things sort themselves out, don’t rock the boat, don’t say anything that might cause trouble—that’s a good signal to speak out.  Both speaking and silence should be costly, and at their heart should be self-giving.

Do you have any personal experiences with using your words, or lack of words, to serve others?

Concluding Question:

How does Jesus behave as the Suffering Servant? What can we, as His apprentices, learn from His words and actions?