Week #1


Scripture Reading: Luke 3:1-22

Opening Question:

What part of this passage stands out most to you?

Core Question 1:

We are told that John the Baptist preaches a baptism of repentance. What does he say to the different groups of people who come out to him in the wilderness? What do his words teach us about repentance?

Core Question 2:

Considering the fact that Jesus lived a perfect life, what is the point of repentance for Him? How does this give us a more complete definition of repentance? (Hint: Change in direction)

Core Question 3:

The following is A.W. Tozer’s prayer of repentance in The Wisdom of God:

“Oh, I want to be other than what I am.  I want to be different.  I want to change.  I am not satisfied.  I want to believe Thee, and trust in Thee, and throw myself boldly on Thee, and I want to be made like Thyself.  I do not only want to go to heaven at last, but I want to have heaven in my heart now.  I not only want to dwell with the redeemed, I want to be like the redeemed here on the earth.  I want to be another kind of person.”

What does repentance look like according to Tozer? Do you agree?

Concluding Question:

What repentance is required of you in order to accept Jesus’s invitation to apprenticeship?