Parable of the Tenants
Scripture Reading: Luke 20:1-19
Opening Question:
What part of this passage stands out most to you?
Core Question 1:
What do you think the characters and objects in this parable represent?
Core Question 2:
How does Jesus go about answering the religious leaders’ question about His authority, without directly answering their question? Why do you think He answered this way?
Core Question 3:
What proof of Jesus’s authority have the people around Him witnessed during the three years of His public ministry? What lies would they have to be telling themselves in order to explain all of these things away?
Core Question 4:
How do the teachers of the law and the chief priests respond to the parable? Do you think it’s possible that at least a few of the religious leaders had a different reaction (i.e. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea)?
Concluding Question:
Are you withholding any part of your life from Jesus’s authority?