Parable of the Ten Minas
Scripture Reading: Luke 19:11-27
Opening Question:
What part of this passage stands out most to you?
Core Question 1:
What is the context of this parable?
Core Question 2:
What do you think Jesus would be trying to prepare His disciples for at this point in his ministry? According to the parable, what decision are people going to be facing and what are their options?
Core Question 3:
How is Jesus failing to meet the expectations of the Jewish people, who have been awaiting a Messiah that would rescue them from foreign oppression and give a blanket blessing to the entire people based on their heritage as God’s chosen people?
Core Question 4:
Based on the words of the third servant, how does he seem to view the master?
“I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. You take out what you did not put in and reap what you did not sow.”
So often, it seems that Christians relate to God as a scary and demanding task-master. Like the third servant, we believe that He expects us to do things for Him in our own abilities and power. Worse, we buy into the lie that He is poised and ready to smite us when we fail.
What effect have these beliefs had on you or someone you know?
Concluding Question:
Reading this parable in context, after-the-fact, we know more than the people who were living in that moment with Jesus. What is the twist in the ending of this parable? How should this twist free us from fear?