Parable of the Persistent Widow

Scripture Reading: Luke 18:1-8

Opening Question:

What part of this passage stands out most to you?

Core Question 1:

What does Jesus seem to be teaching about prayer and perseverance in this parable?

Core Question 2:

How have challenging or painful experiences taught you to pray and persevere?

Core Question 3:

What struggles do you have with prayer? With perseverance?

Core Question 3:

According to Timothy Keller in Prayer:

“The Bible contains laments and petitions and pleadings, for prayer is rebellion against the evil status quo of the world…”

“[Prayer is] ‘reversed thunder.’  Thunder is an expression of the awesome power of God, but prayer somehow harnesses that power so that our petitions are not heard in heaven as whispers but as crack, boom, and roar.  Prayer changes things.”

What is your reaction to Keller’s descriptions about the importance of prayer?

Concluding Question:

What might God be saying to you through the scripture and discussion today?