Parable of the Lost Son

Scripture Reading: Luke 15:11-32

Opening Question:

What part of this passage stands out most to you?

Core Question 1:

What does Jesus seem to be teaching in this parable?

Core Question 2:

How is God portrayed in this Scripture? What do we learn about His character?

Core Question 3:

How does this parable relate to Jesus and what He is doing?

Core Question 4:

According to A.W. Tozer in The Wisdom of God:

“No man has ever committed sins enough that if he would humble his heart, become innocent like a child, and talk to God without trying to appear to be someone, God would not bless him.  Nobody ever went down deep enough, was ever fool enough, ever sarcastically scornful enough about religion, that if he would repent, humble himself before God, God would not accept him as a little child.  How wonderful that is to know.”

How are you sinful like the wild, younger son? How are you sinful like the rule-following and judgmental, older son? How does it change your life to know that God loves you anyway?

Concluding Question:

Considering Luke 15:2 tells us that the Pharisees and teachers of the law were just muttering about how He welcomes and eats with sinners, how would they have read themselves into the parable? How does this help to explain their decision to kill Jesus?