Parable of the Good Samaritan
Scripture Reading: Luke 10:25-37
Opening Question:
What part of this passage stands out most to you?
Core Question 1:
What situation prompts Jesus to tell this parable?
Core Question 2:
Why do you think this parable might have caused problems between Jesus and the people who were in positions of religious, political, and social power?
Core Question 3:
How does this parable relate to Jesus? What parallels do you see between the story Jesus is telling and the things He is doing?
Core Question 4:
According to Dallas Willard in Life Without Lack:
“While it is good to remember that love saves us, it is equally true that love is meant to enter our lives, our bodies, and our hearts…When the gospel of Jesus Christ is fully proclaimed, it includes offering…the opportunity to be able to love people—all people—like Jesus does…If we truly want love like that, God will give it to us. But if we do not choose to become as loving as Jesus, we will never know a life without lack. For such a life is realized through love filling our lives. Faith is only completed in love, because our faith is in a God of love—no other.”
How much do you want to be empowered to love as Jesus loves?
Concluding Question:
What deeper understanding of ‘love’ and ‘neighbor’ does Jesus teach through this parable?